Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a Musical!

The 2nd & 3rd graders put on a musical last week for all of us to enjoy and if you weren't able to attend I thought I would show you a 4 minute snip-it of what you missed. They practiced every day.  It was actually pretty cute.  I wasn't informed by her teacher about anything so Madison told us she had to wear white or black.  As we arrived it was clearly a white shirt and black pants were the uniform of choice. Well, at least we can pick her out of the crowd.

The kids are off-track and they made their lists of what they want to do.  It looks like we're going to be pretty busy.

I have been hookin' up with friends on Facebook; high school, even elementary school, cousins, old friends I haven't talk to in years, and current friends who I talk to daily.  Lance is on it but mostly for playing Mafia Wars.  I'm not much for computer games.  Facebook is addicting so I'm trying to limit my time on it.  So far that idea hasn't worked but I'll keep trying. 

Please mute the playlist below before viewing this video:

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