Friday, March 4, 2011


After a request was made to update my blog, I now have a moment to reflect on the year. We’ve come to somewhat understand Madison’s needs. What will cause her to over stimulate and how to handle tantrums and provide calm. We’ve learned exercises to increase her strength in her hands and help her balance and rhythm. She has been able to share her diagnosis with her class and also on video. We are participating in our first annual Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Madison and I are excited. Because of her love of dolphins we decided to name our team Madisons’ Pod. If you would like to walk beside us or make a donation to Autism Speaks please copy & paste this link

To view the videos below please mute the music player at the bottom of this blog.

Lances’ 10 year contract with Fitness Together ended 1/11/11 and was not renewed. The economy has taken a turn for the worse and it has been in our best interest not to continue. In the interim, he returned to King Soopers.

I am still working at The Children’s Hospital. It is overwhelming to say the least but I am thankful for the employment during these hard times. We moved into our new building this month. It’s very nice however, our new cubicles (I refer to it as my ‘cubby’) has been downsize and everyone has a co-worker to share it with working back to back.

Madison has been in horseback riding lessons and is doing so good. She absolutely loves it.

Of course, Ethan has his hobbies too; motorcycle riding, skateboarding, baseball, golf, etc. For Christmas he entered a contest to win a motorcycle from Fay Myers. Unfortunately, he didn't win but his video was so funny. We finally caught that look that he does with his face and it's priceless (see below).

We've had a stressful year but I hope things have calmed down and I will be able to update my blog monthly. Enjoy.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I KNEW IT! but I didn't want to be right. We were able to be seen by the Director, Dr Gabriels and she was able to evaluate Madison using what is called ADOS, "Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, which allows them to accurately assess and diagnose autism and pervasive development disorder across ages, developmental levels, and language skills". It consisted of "Make-Believe Play, Joint Interactive Play, Demonstration Task, Description of a Picture, Telling a Story from a Book, Cartoons, Reporting a Non-Routine Event/ Conversation, Emotions, Social Difficulties/ Annoyance, Friend/ Loneliness/ Marriage, and Creating a Story". At another appointment she asked Lance and I a lot of questions and at the end we were told that Madison falls into the Autism Spectrum - high functioning. She gave us pamphlets and phone numbers of Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Social Skills Groups, Psychiatrists, etc. We left her office in a daze. So much information; where do we start? Who do we call?

The next morning Dr Gabriels left a message and knew she had bombarded us with information and suggested that we put Madison in a Day Treatment. It's a more intense evaluation with all the therapists there working with her and us. It will give us a better idea on what she needs from us, what she'll need from the school and if she'll need therapy at Children's Hospital. We are on a waiting list but we are hoping for an opening in the next few weeks.

Have you ever watched the new series, Parenthood? Well, if not go to and watch the first pilot episode. An 8 year old boy is diagnosed with Asperger's and when you watch Max you will see Madison. It was very emotional for both of us. I've also read All Cats have Asperger's which Madison loved knowing she's just like her cat, Callie, 10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, watched the movie Adam, and have Temple Grandin's book on hold at the library.

Lance and I are both relieved and overwhelmed. It's been a difficult time.

Last month I had a sinus infection and now I've been battling pneumonia for the past two weeks. Caused by stressed? Hmmm.

Ethan has finished Roller Hockey until next month. One more season and then on to Baseball. I'm looking forward to Spring. I have had enough of this cold winter. We didn't get a lot of snow but it sure was frigid this year.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Things are Looking Up

I am so excited! Thank God that I work at Children's Hospital. Having such great insurance has allowed me to get the necessary help for Madison. A few months ago we started using their Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for Madison and I to help us communicate better. Well, it turns out they believe that she has Aspberger's or Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) both in the Autism spectrum. Three years ago we had her tested after a suggestion was made by her Kindergarten teacher but Children's Hospital diagnosed her with ADHD & Sensory Integration Disorder. We even made reference to Aspergers at that time so it would really piss me off if they misdiagnosed her with ADHD and we medicated her for 2 years (see Medicate or Not to Medicate in my archive). Anyway, her therapist told us we need to get her tested again by a child psychologist. Well, that has been a challenge. We found out from The Children's Hospital that they do not evaluate kids over the age of 6 and other places we looked did not take insurance or were out-of-network. Well, in having a one-on-one meeting with the VP of Finance discussing Accounts Payable I happened to mention this dilemma. He made a phone call and now I have been put in touch with the psychologist in charge of the Autism clinic at Children's. She is going to evaluate Madison. Her assistant is going to call me within the week to set up an appointment. The weight has been lifted off my shoulders. To have a diagnosis will help her tremendously at school and get her the therapy that she needs and also how we can help her and understand.
We are moving March 1st. We have decided to downsize and move nearby. There will be some changes & challenges that we will face this year but we are looking forward to what the future holds. I am still loving my job at The Children's Hospital and have bypassed the 6 month mark. Lance is going to sell his Fitness Together territory in Northern California and make a career change.

Ethan's broken wrist has healed and he is once again enjoying roller hockey until summer baseball begins. Once we get settled, we hope to have Madison back into horseback riding lessons.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Brief Update

I'm sure as soon as I sit down to start write my household will awake. I know it's been months since my last post (that sounded very Catholic) please forgive me. LOL!! I have been super busy and it seems I can't get organized or prioritized. I am thankful for a husband who is involved and helps me because without him I would go bonkers. God bless the single mothers and fathers. I don't know how they do it.

Work is crazy busy and I love it. Kudos to me; since August I have received two SEEDS {Service Excellence Every Day} which is a recognition form that I received for my performance in something I did for someone who thought it was extra special and just this week I was asked to train the new part-time person. I've also received a hug, a candy bar, and e-mail calling me a Rock Star! I hope I can keep up this level of customer service. LOL! One person was finally "let go". He started a week before I did. As a person he was really entertaining but as an employee, at times, he could be offensive but most of all he just didn't want to do the work or do it correctly. Hopefully, the new person that they hire will be more committed.

Ethan was in Roller Hockey this fall and just loved it. We enrolled him in the Winter season but during the two week break he decided to play chicken with his friend on the monkey bars and lost. He fractured his radius & ulna (both bones below the wrist). He'll wear a full cast for three weeks and a smaller cast for another two. Hockey Season is on hold. Madison is getting back into the swing of things with taekwondo after taking the summer off. She's doing awesome. Madison and I are both in therapy to help us communicate better with each other.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and have a wonderful holiday season.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Words are few, thoughts are deep,

memories of you we will always keep.

In tears we saw you suffer

we watched you fade away

our hearts were almost broken

you fought so hard to stay.

But when we saw you sleeping

so peaceful free from pain

We could not wish you back

to suffer once again.

We sat beside your bedside

our hearts were crushed and sore

we did our duty to the end

‘till we could do no more.

Your presence we miss

your memory we treasure

loving you always

forgetting you never.

Sad are the hearts that love you

silently tears will fall

living our lives without you

is the saddest part of all.

Our family chain is broken

nothing feels the same

but as God takes us one by one

our chain will link again.

Lances' mom passed away on August 14th. She has been sick for so very long and now we know she's at peace. Lance has that emptiness inside which I am very familiar with. When you lose both parents you feel like a lost sheep. Even though you're an adult you were always a child to someone. Now you're the adult and life goes on...

Working at Children's Hospital is great, overwhelming, stressful, wonderful, high volume, frustrating, exciting and I just love it! Lance is awesome at home. If I knew he was going to be so great I would have went back to work sooner. LOL! He handles the kids, does his Fitness Together work while they're at school and has really been taking care of himself; he has lost 17 pounds so far and is looking awesome! That reminds me, I should get on the eliptical.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

God is Good

Since my last post I finally received a call from Children's Hospital for an interview on July 23rd. I have applied with them 6 times since January and they finally called. Why? Because now I understand that God has a plan for me. He waited until the timing was just right. My youngest began 1st grade on his 6th birthday; July 28th. Now both of my kids are in school all day. I had the best interview. I rocked and looked damn good. LOL! I was offered the position as an Accounts Payable Specialist 1 and I start Tuesday, August 4th. Yeah me! I am so excited. Lance is nesting. He cleaned out the fridge so he knew what was in it. He's says he's just Mr. Dad because he's not qualified to be Mr. Mom. :) It helps that he works from home and is able to take the kids to school and pick them up. Now that Madison & Ethan are back in school full-time the house will be quiet.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What's on your mind?

I'm still addicted to Facebook;  mainly FarmTown and so are my friends.   LOL!

Let's see what has happened since my last post. Oh, besides FarmTown we now live in Tornado Alley. This tornado touched down at Southlands Mall about 3 miles from our home on June 7th.  Yes, I took a picture from outside our front door and then I went to the basement.  According to 9News "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning units on the mall roof were damaged. Windows were smashed out, a brick wall was flattened, debris was scattered and at least one car was overturned in the mall's parking lot. 

According to the National Weather Service, the tornado that caused damage at the Southlands Mall spent about 30 minutes on the ground after touching down south of the Buckley Air Force Base around 1:49 p.m. The tornado made an 8- to 10-mile path across southeast Aurora".  That was a little too close for comfort.

Then a few days later at the elementary school we hear over the loud speaker "THIS IS NOT A DRILL..." Again?

The kids are off-track so my daughter told me that we need to do something every day.  I guess I'm also the event planner. Father's Day we went to Estes Park and had a picnic lunch at Sprague Lake.  We hope to get back up there again.  Madison is doing well on Zyrtec and hasn't had any allergic reactions. Ethan loves baseball but his golf swing is not impressive.  I wonder if baseball players play golf because it's really messes up the golf swing.  It's not a baseball bat in your hand Ethan!  It sounds like his dad and him will be out on the golf course once a week.  This will help Lance control his stress level.  He has been extremely dizzy and lethargic which our chiropractor told us it's his Adrenal Glands acting up caused by stress. He's on a supplement so we hope that will help.  His mom recently was diagnosis with throat cancer and she is not a candidate for any treatment.  I'm sure with that and everything else his stress level is on the rise.

By the way, I did not get an interview for either of those jobs so I'm still on the lookout.  I'll add new pictures to the streaming photo album on the left.  Enjoy.