Thursday, March 12, 2009


I've been busy getting nothing done. Madison is doing good. It was simple diet changes that we made and now there is no more every day tantrums (just the 8-year old girl stuff) and no more responding in anger when I simple ask her to brush her teeth. She's developing a sense of humor and talking to other adults more often using some eye contact. Her nightmares are back though. I don't know why she seems to have them so often. She's always being chased by something. Last night it was dogs. Her oral excessiveness has increased. She's constantly biting or sucking on her fingers & hands. Poor thing...her hands are raw. I bought her a chew toy to help her at school and when she's at home. As soon as she's idle her hands go in the mouth. All-in-all we are very happy with her progress.

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