Monday, March 15, 2010


I KNEW IT! but I didn't want to be right. We were able to be seen by the Director, Dr Gabriels and she was able to evaluate Madison using what is called ADOS, "Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, which allows them to accurately assess and diagnose autism and pervasive development disorder across ages, developmental levels, and language skills". It consisted of "Make-Believe Play, Joint Interactive Play, Demonstration Task, Description of a Picture, Telling a Story from a Book, Cartoons, Reporting a Non-Routine Event/ Conversation, Emotions, Social Difficulties/ Annoyance, Friend/ Loneliness/ Marriage, and Creating a Story". At another appointment she asked Lance and I a lot of questions and at the end we were told that Madison falls into the Autism Spectrum - high functioning. She gave us pamphlets and phone numbers of Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Social Skills Groups, Psychiatrists, etc. We left her office in a daze. So much information; where do we start? Who do we call?

The next morning Dr Gabriels left a message and knew she had bombarded us with information and suggested that we put Madison in a Day Treatment. It's a more intense evaluation with all the therapists there working with her and us. It will give us a better idea on what she needs from us, what she'll need from the school and if she'll need therapy at Children's Hospital. We are on a waiting list but we are hoping for an opening in the next few weeks.

Have you ever watched the new series, Parenthood? Well, if not go to and watch the first pilot episode. An 8 year old boy is diagnosed with Asperger's and when you watch Max you will see Madison. It was very emotional for both of us. I've also read All Cats have Asperger's which Madison loved knowing she's just like her cat, Callie, 10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, watched the movie Adam, and have Temple Grandin's book on hold at the library.

Lance and I are both relieved and overwhelmed. It's been a difficult time.

Last month I had a sinus infection and now I've been battling pneumonia for the past two weeks. Caused by stressed? Hmmm.

Ethan has finished Roller Hockey until next month. One more season and then on to Baseball. I'm looking forward to Spring. I have had enough of this cold winter. We didn't get a lot of snow but it sure was frigid this year.